Life Happens

A dear friend of mine tweeted something a couple of weeks ago that I will not soon forget. Her tweet said “Life is unpredictable. My response doesn’t have to be #thanksgiving.” The past few weeks have been quite interesting to say the least. I was prepared for some things that transpired. For other things, I was not. On average, I am a person who prefers almost everything to be planned, detailed and calculated. I like to be in the know so I can be prepared for “the next”….whatever the next may be. So you see, surprises and being caught off guard are typically not my cup of tea. It can be challenging to willfully and graciously yield to circumstances beyond my control–especially when it comes to people and things close to my heart. I think two of the most profoundly defining moments are knowing when to let go and knowing when to hold on.

Change is a consistent element of living that is as sure as the morning sun. The past few months I’ve noticed 3 or 4 strands of gray hair that seemingly came out of nowhere. I immediately started plucking them out and dialing my hair stylist simultaneously (to make an appointment). I talked to her about my gray woes and she said, “Why are you fighting the gray? Maybe you should embrace it and try looking at it in another way.” I clearly needed a few moments to process all of this but I resolved that she was right. It really depends on what gray hair means to me. It doesn’t necessarily have to be the exclusive sign of getting older. Personally speaking, I find it very attractive to see men who have some gray in their goatee or beard. It really blesses me. 🙂 All in all, I’ve decided to look at “the gray” a little differently. In this case, I have yielded to letting go. The gray strands are now a sign of wisdom in my eyes. This revelation will by no means deter me from getting my hair colored ever so often…I just won’t give the strands as much attention when it makes its random appearance. I think sometimes we can fight things so long that we forget what we’re fighting for. If we’re going to hold on to something–be it relationship, occupation, memories, etc.—there should be a qualifiable  reason for doing so. If it is not worthy of our attention and beneficial to our well-being, maybe letting go will serve us best.

Everyday can be filled with changes, predictable and unpredictable outcomes. There is always something to be thankful for….even on a bad day. If today happens to be a rough day, find a place in your heart to express gratitude to God. Perhaps start with “Thank you for another day. Thank you for family and friends who are there for me. Thank you for shelter and the choice between hot and cold water. Thank you for your love and protection. Thank you for being good because you never cease to be God. Thank you because I know my life is in your hands.”

May peace and prosperity be with you always.

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