Beautiful Day

What a beautiful day. I rested well and headed out the door early this morning. I finally had the chance to see The Equalizer and Gone Girl. What can I say about Denzel Washington’s performance…simply outstanding! Gone Girl left more to be desired in my opinion. I prefer the book over the movie. Nonetheless, seeing new movies for $5 is a wonderful deal. If you’re on the frugal side like me, then “Stimulus Tuesdays” are a holiday. Finding all the buried treasures in Good Will and other thrift stores give me joy unspeakable. 🙂 I’m not sure why I get such an adrenaline rush on bargains. The emotional changes I go through during an ebay auction are nothing short of hilarious now that I think about it.

I don’t have much to say today. I’m just thankful to be apart of another day that is filled with goodness, opportunities, and blessings. It does not matter what I see; I’m choosing to label it all as good. Even if it doesn’t always feel good, I can be sure it will somehow work for my betterment before it’s all said and done. Everything is a matter of perspective. Laugh a little, smile a little, live a little, you know? Look for the good in all that you face and good will find its way to you.

When you have a chance, check out the song “Beautiful Day” by Jamie Grace. I listen to it almost every morning and it really helps to set the tone for the course of my day. Well, I have to run but I pray all is well in your world. Enjoy yourselves…and have a beautiful day!

May peace and prosperity be with you always.

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