There is calm on the outside while a continuous stream of thoughts parade through my mind. It is Saturday morning, the last day of 2011. What a year this has been…some victories, some lessons, many laughs, many tears, more loving, more forgiving, much stronger and much wiser. This year has not been easy but it has been for good. I’d been seeking God for some time now about some specific instructions as it relates to the next few chapters of my life. I remember asking Him, “what do you want me to do about this or what is your desire about that?” Like a child who assumes their parent is ignoring them, I kept asking those questions everyday until it became the anthem of my heart. “What, when, how, who” almost drove me to drinking orange juice!! 🙂 I must admit that my faith and my frustration had become almost one in the same. During this “yo-yo scenario” I noticed some things and patterns in hind sight that I think can be helpful.
First of all, it is a good thing to ask questions, especially to the right people who have more knowledge than we do in an area. My dad used to tell me the dumbest questions are the questions not asked. Asking questions reveal what is necessary and unnecessary, saves valuable time and resources, and provides a source of light to the unknown. Many have said “don’t question God” and I whole heartily disagree. When the angel Gabriel told Mary she was going to have a virgin birth, her first response was a question…”HOW can this be seeing that I know not a man” (Luke 1:34). The next verse says the angel ANSWERED HER AND SAID, this is how it’s going to happen (verse 35). In dealing with God, it is not wrong to ask him questions, however our motive for asking should be from a pure place. Often times it is easy to get caught up into the “why me’s” of asking, which is really self-pity. And He doesn’t respond to self-pity my friends. What He does respond to is us coming to Him respectfully in faith, and not fear…acknowledging we need His light and wisdom to move forward. I believe that when there is an absence of questions there is an absence of direction. I’m learning to ask God questions about direction & instructions and not explanations. The truth is He doesn’t owe any of us an explanation about anything. I had a light bulb moment on something Joyce Meyer said last week. She said “We need to live by God’s promises and not His explanations of why. Just trust Him, know that He’s good and that He’s loves you.” At the end of the day, His word and His love is enough…it really is.
I soon realized that my “yo-yo scenarios” were prayers mixed with fear and faith. There is a rest that comes when we are in faith likewise there is frustration and being unsettled when fear is present. Of course, the two don’t mix well and doesn’t accomplish anything. In asking and receiving, be cautious of focusing on the unwanted more than the wanted. To focus on what we don’t want is really inviting more of it in our lives. Think only on what is true and of a good report, setting our faith on the desire. Our faith goes through stages: little faith to great faith to being fully persuaded. The closer to being fully persuaded we are, the less questions we have. We ultimately reach a place that when God speaks, it settles any and every doubt. When He speaks a thing over you, pay no attention to the highs and lows of the process. Just know it will be done unto you just as He said. In asking God what His specific will and desire was for me, He in turn answered and said “Stephanie, what is your will, what do you desire–write it down and I’ll do that.” Oh, what love! He gives us an opportunity to write the chapters of our lives in alignment with His word and will.
In this New Year, don’t leave your life up to chance. Locate the desires of your heart and walk it out. Surround yourself with people who know more than you and be intimidated by no one. Glean and share as much as you can. Hear and know God’s voice for yourself for He is our only source. Above all, be thankful, love and live my friends! Happy New Year to you all!!
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Thank you so much for such a good thought to the soul. That Prayer, fear and faith don’t mix well. May God help us to have strong faith. Blessings.
My pleasure Mike..Happy New Year!