Right Thing….Wrong Time

I just came across a blog I wrote 4 years ago. It really helped me today and hopefully it can be helpful to you too:

I overslept this morning. It may take a minute for me to get use to the time change. I’m so glad I didn’t have any early appointments to go to. I’m up mapping out two significant things I want to do this year. I remember trying one of them some years ago and it didn’t turn out the way I’d planned…in fact, it was a spectacular failure! Let me re-word that as I don’t personally believe in the word “failure.” One doesn’t really fail. We only get results: positive or negative. Positive results are things to hold on to and negative results are things that need to be done in another way. In other words, that experience showed me what not to do. I determined in my mind not to ever attempt that again but….here I am 15 years later going for it once more.

I don’t think what I wanted to do was wrong. I was attempting to do a right thing at the wrong time. Sometimes God will inspire us to do certain things. He’ll also show us the steps to get it accomplished. We can know when God gives us a vision to accomplish something because it will always require His help. If it’s something we can accomplish on our own, it probably isn’t from Him. Not only will we need God’s help to accomplish the goal–we’ll also need the help of people in some way. Though we may be sure about the task, we should be equally as sure (if not more) about the timing of when to act on it. Bad timing can result in the loss of money, resources, and energy. That is what happened to me those years ago–the right thing but the wrong time. Some initiatives could be for now, others could be for later….years later.

If God has given you something to do, trust that He will help you to get it done. It could be starting your own business, writing a book, going back to school or expanding your ministry. Have faith in God and have faith in His timing. This reminds me of something my grandmother (Ms. Candye) told me as she was giving pointers on how to bake cakes years ago. She said, “Darlin’, if you rush it you’ll ruin it.” That’s something to think about, right? Be inspired to go after your dream while following the pace and peace of your heart. Things will turn out right for you!

May peace and prosperity be with you always.

To learn more about Stephanie, visit: http://www.stephaniemayer.org

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